

I’m Tokoni, a poet, day-dreamer, procrastinator, yoga-enthusiast, pizza-lover, cartoon-aficionado, sister, daughter, friend and everything else in between (Good golly, i have issues).

This little blog you see here is the largest collection of my poetry available anywhere (sadly that includes my dream journal :() I’m supposed to post a poem a day but more than likely, i’ll post consistently for a week then go into hiding for a month. I’m sorry. I get writers block A LOT. Truth be told, my best poems took weeks (or months) to write. Forgive me!

So stick around, read some poems, like, comment, send me money if you like!

God Bless,
Tokoni Olufunto Uti.

305 thoughts on “About

    1. Barnevernet and Breivik: Norway’s International Shame:


      The Bodnariu family case exposes a harmful transnational Mafia system:


      Brief articles on Bodnariu case:


      On February 13th, 2016 will be another protest at San Francisco:




      Short video from a protest against Barnevernet abuses in Oradea, Romania:

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Thanks for following The Immortal Jukebox Tokoni. I hope you will find much to enjoy ( please feel free to add comments). I look forward to much reading here. Regards Thom.


  2. Hello! Your blog is a beautiful work of art. Thank you so much for following mine – apincpinchofliterarysalt.wordpress.com !


  3. Hi Tokoni! It’s very nice to read more about you. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. A poem a day is way too much for anyone. As much as I enjoy reading your poems, I wouldn’t even have the time to read one every day. So post what you’re comfortable with and if that’s once a week than I’ll be reading a great poem once a week. That’s great! Too much pressure will suck the fun out of it. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for following The Immortal Jukebox. I hope you will enjoy the wide variety of music covered and some entertaining writing. I welcome comments from readers. I usually post on a weekly basis. If it has been a while since you visited come on over and see what’s new on The Jukebox! Regards and good luck with all your projects. Thom.


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